October 24, 2015

Dogs Rescue Melbourne Florida
Dog adoption saves lives. Adopt a dog and you'll have a friend for life! Contact us, or contact another local humane society, animal shelter or SPCA.
Cities, Towns, and/or Counties We Serve:
Yorkie Friends has several members in Florida.About Our Rescue Group:
Yorkie Friends Rescue was founded in March 2005. Most of the founding members had previouslybeen involved with other rescue groups. We are dedicated to the belief that all Yorkies and Yorkie
mixes are special no matter what their age or condition; and we will rescue those we find in need;
and we pledge that we will do everything possible to restore quality life to those in poor physical
or emotional condition; and we will work diligently to find good and loving homes in which they
can spend the remainder of their lives.
We welcome members from
all states. We are a 501c-3 organization. All donations to our group are fully tax deductible.
Members enjoy a close bond with each other which is founded in their mutual love for the dogs.
Everyone is an important part of the organization, and there exists a high level of mutual support
for each other, not only in our work for the dogs, but also in our personal endeavors.
Our Adoption Process:
The Adoption Process1. Adoption application
2. References
3. Phone interview with foster parent
4. Home visit
5. Adoption contract and donation
6. Adoption follow-up
After The Adoption
After the adoption is complete and you take your baby home, we will maintain follow-up
communication with you for the first year to be certain that the adoption is working for you and
for your new family addition. Either the foster parent or our Adoption Nana will contact you at
specified intervals. We will be available to help you if you have any concerns about your adopted
dog. We want to insure that this home is truly the dog's Forever Home, and he/she never has to