Dog Catcher Jacksonville FL

Centurian Wildlife is a full-service wildlife control company serving Jacksonville FL and the surrounding area. We specialize in urban and suburban wildlife damage management for both residential and commercial customers. We are state licensed by the Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission. We handle nearly all aspects of wildlife control, and resolve conflicts between people and wildlife in a humane and professional manner. For Jacksonville pest control of wildlife, just give us a call at 904-414-4873 - yes, we answer our phones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - and we will discuss your wildlife problem and schedule an appointment to solve it. We look forward to hearing from you!
- Scratching Noises in Your Attic?
- Unwanted Wildlife on Property?
- Problem Bird or Bat Infestation?
- Digging Lawn or Under House?
- We Can Solve It!
Many of Florida's wild animals have learned to adapt and even thrive in our homes. For example some wildlife have found that attics make great places to live. Other animals find refuge under homes or porches. Invariably, these animals cause damage. Rodents, like squirrels and rats, love to chew on electrical wires once in an attic, and this causes a serious fire hazard. Raccoons can cause serious contamination in an attic with their droppings and parasites. Same goes for bat or bird colonies. We specialize in solving Florida's wildlife problems, from snake removal to large jobs like commercial bat control, we do it all.
We do not handle dog or cat problems. If you need assistance with a domestic animal, such as a dog or a cat, you need to call your local Duval county animal services for assistance. They can help you out with issues such as stray dogs, stray cats, spay & neuter programs, vaccinations, licenses, pet adoption, bite reports, deceased pets, lost pets, local animal complaints and to report neglected or abused animals. There is no free Jacksonville animal control for wildlife issues.
Duval County Animal Services or Humane Society: (904) 630-2489
In short, a rabies vector species (or RVS) is any species that can carry and transmit rabies. Nearly any mammal can carry the disease including skunks, foxes, bats, and groundhogs, but raccoons are more susceptible to the virus than others. According to a study published in The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association in 2006, of the 6, 940 cases of rabies reported in that year, 2, 615 (37.7%) of those cases were attributed to raccoons. More recently, in 2010, raccoons were responsible for 36.5% of rabies cases. Statistics like these are hard to ignore, and easy to blow out of proportion.
During 2010, the distribution of raccoons carrying rabies were present primarily on the East Coast of the United States (from Maine to Florida, and spreading only as far as the Appalachian Mountains). Outside of this area though, skunks and foxes were the main carriers, with the distribution of rabies-carrying skunks spreading as far northwest as Montana, as far southeast as Louisiana, and spilling into every state in between. A notable population of rabies-carrying skunks was also reported throughout Central California. Unless one lives in New England, one's chances of contracting rabies from a skunk is higher than to do so from a raccoon.
While raccoons are correlated with the most reported cases of rabies in the US, this fact alone does not predispose them to contracting the virus any more than another RVS. It's more likely that raccoons have gained a reputation for carrying rabies partly because of their reputation for being pests. Thanks to their adaptability, urban raccoon populations have increased significantly since the 1920s. It's not uncommon to see trash cans knocked over by foraging raccoons. Why bother wasting precious energy hunting for prey, when a raccoon could simply take food from the garbage?
Unfortunately, raccoons can cause problems when they adapt too closely to humans. They are known for forming dens within homes, particularly in attics, which provide warmth and safety, especially to raccoon mothers with kits. Nesting raccoons can easily cost homeowners thousands of dollars in damages to walls, wires, piping, insulation, air ducts, etc. It's easy to see why more people would view raccoons as disease-carrying pests, more so than any other RVS. They are responsible for more reported cases of rabies than any other species, and their reputation for causing humans problems has preceded them. However, not all raccoons have rabies, just as not all humans have HIV.
Great news out of Commonwealth Court last week. The lawsuit filed against the Florida Game Commission challenging its rodent management program has been thrown out of court "with prejudice" - which, in laymen's terms, means it cannot be filed again. The financial drain this waste of time has been on the Florida fish & game regulatory agency is over. The rallying cry this suit had become to the few, the clueless, is over. For those of you that didn't know about this suit, it basically announced that the Florida fish & game regulatory agency has destroyed the rodent group of rodents through mismanagement and worse. Read on for more information about animal control in Jacksonville, Florida.
The Florida fish & game regulatory agency did so willingly and with malice in some bizarre way. The Florida fish & game regulatory agency conspired to exterminate all rodent and end wildlife trapping as we know it forever. It was filed by a group claiming to be sportsmen with all pest control companies best interests at heart. Convoluted, twisted, warped, psychotic and other words were used by many when trying to under habitat the basis of this suit. It was just very tough (and, for most, actually impossible) to grasp how a suit against the agency sportsmen pay for and hold accountable for the betterment of our sport could possibly be accused of destroying the very reason for its existence. Despite this there is no free Jacksonville animal services for wildlife in Duval County.
For the overwhelming majority of sportsmen that never bought into any of this "thinking, " we'll be hearing some spinning of how some beneficial came from this suit. The group behind the suit is not going to go away, I'm sure, but we all need to let them know that now that they've had their say, they need to move on in some positive way that will be beneficial for all sportsmen and women. Pest control companies in Florida need to watch carefully as the Florida fish & game regulatory agency continues it's efforts to manage our wildlife resources. That's nothing new; we've always done that. We need to continue to be sure our wildlife trapping tradition is in beneficial condition as our kids go afield. Most Jacksonville pest control companies that we interviewed found this interesting.