April 10, 2017

Nassau Bay Animal shelter
Dog adoption and cat adoption saves lives. Adopt a dog or adopt a cat and you'll have a friend for life! Contact us, or contact another local humane society, animal shelter or SPCA.
Cities, Towns, and/or Counties We Serve:
The primary function and intent of the City of NassauBay Animal Control is to provide protection for the health, safety, and welfare of the people within the city limits, by controlling the population and species, and establishing uniform rules for the control and eradication of rabies. Please remember to annually register your dogs and cats ($5 each if you’re animal is spayed or neutered and $10.00 if not). Proof of rabies vaccination is required to register your pet. Upon registration, your animal will be issued a City identification tag. The City of Nassau Bay encourages that your pets are properly tagged, with the City license and the rabies tag issued by a licensed veterinarian. These items are not only required, but also help in reuniting lost animals with their owners. If a pet is lost, please contact city hall at 281-333-4211 If possible please send a picture of your lost animal in a email or text to Animal Control.All adoptions are $50.00
All animals must be spayed or neutered and rabies vac before adoption can take place.
Contact Animal control officer
Troy Bradfield
Cell 832-574-0877
Office 281-333-2944
City hall 281-333-4211
City of Nassau Bay
Animal Control Officer
Troy Bradfield
email aco@nassaubay.com
cell # 832-574-0877
Please Spayed & Neuter your pets!!!