Dog Rescues
Rescue dogs Naples FL
Dog adoption saves lives. Adopt a dog and you ll have a friend for life! Contact us, or contact another local humane society, animal shelter or SPCA. Cities, Towns, and/or Counties We Serve: Serving Southwest Florida from Naples to Sarasota, and beyond if needed. If you are interested in adopting one of our dogs but live outside our usual area of operations, please state that…
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Lakeland Rescue dogs
So, you want to adopt a Lakeland Terrier, huh? Great idea! Want to hear an even better idea? Rescue an adult Lakeland Terrier. No pooch is too old for puppy love and puppies are only puppies for a few months after all, right? Oh, you have your heart set on a cute little Lakeland Terrier puppy? Have you been looking at Lakeland Terrier puppies for sale, checking out Lakeland…
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Long Dog Rescue
Our adoption applications can be filled out online at and then clicking on “Applications and Forms”. Please complete this application in order to begin the adoption process. All applications must be approved prior to placement. It is very important that you answer all the questions honestly so that we can place a dog in your home that will become a permanent family member…
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Dogs Rescue Melbourne Florida
Dog adoption saves lives. Adopt a dog and you ll have a friend for life! Contact us, or contact another local humane society, animal shelter or SPCA. Cities, Towns, and/or Counties We Serve: Yorkie Friends has several members in Florida. About Our Rescue Group: Yorkie Friends Rescue was founded in March 2005. Most of the founding members had previously been involved with other…
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